March 14, 2009

Beads Galore

Beads from the left and to the right! Beads over here and over there! BEADS EVERY WHERE! I can't believe how much my bead collection has grown! I started out with one little container full and now....

I have 20 containers filled that have those little compartments and now I have 3 little stackable containers that have three drawers each. My kitchen table doesn't look like a table anymore but it's all worth it! Buying beads has become such a joy and making jewelry an even greater joy. So to all those who are just starting out or thinking about it...GO AND DO IT! It's so much fun and its addicting.


  1. I don't think that I have as many as you do, but I'm sure getting there, haha

  2. i buy about 2 to 3 hundred bucks worth at a time!

  3. This bracelet is awesome! And um, I only have three different kinds of beads :)
